Scrapbooking is a fun hobby these days for many people. Craft stores and even specialty scrapbooking stores have many items you can spend money on. Most of the individual items are relatively inexpensive, but over time if you keep doing this for a hobby they can really add up to be a big budget item.
Here are some of my tips to keep
Getting a Camera
Digital cameras are expensive to buy, but once you have made that initial investment then any pictures you take for your scrapbooks are virtually free once your camera is paid for. I bought a camera that took regular AA batteries, so I would not have to replace any expensive lithium camera batteries in the future. How many times have you been on vacation or at a party only to have your camera batteries give out? If you are more organized than me, maybe this doesn't happen to you, but it happens to me all of the time. So I found it easier to have a camera that took regular AA batteries because then I can find those at any drug or grocery store. And when I'm home I use rechargeable batteries in my camera, which are not only cheaper but better for the environment, too. I bought my battery charger and rechargeable batteries from Radio Shack.
Going Digital
Some people make completely digital scrapbooks these days. It's not for everyone, but other than the camera and perhaps some software costs, the supply costs are virtually zero. If you are more of a tactile person, and want to save money on your books but can't bring your self to go completely digital, take some half way measures. Make your books half 3D objects and half digital. Instead of a ribbon border make a 3D digital ribbon border with a graphics program. My favorite graphics program in Paintshop Pro. It doesn't have all of the bells and whistles of a program like Photoshop, but it is less expensive and for me it was easy to learn to use.
has free software that allows you to make a digital scrapbook uploaded with you own pictures that you can then email, use in blog or print out. Its a cool tool, thought all of the flash and sounds on their web site make it a bit annoying to use. But, hey it's free so I guess I should not complain.
The Right Quotes Can Make the Page More Meaningful
There are many sites where you can get get lists of quotes for free online. I also think a few books of quotations and poems are nice to keep on hand, but these can be very expensive to buy. I've gotten some great deals on quotes and other types of books at I've bought several $40 books of quotes and poems there for a fraction of the original price. The good thing about quote books is that unlike tax and computer books, they never become dated. Some of my favorite quotes to use in my scrapbook pages are from the 1800s and before. Some of the best deals are in their Scratch and Dent section where they have new books at about a quarter of the original price. Some of these books usually have really minor imperfections such as a slightly ripped dust jacket or a small stain on the cover.
Alternatively there are some good places to get quotes online. Site I use are:
Useful Information
Simple Scrapbooks Magazine
Denny's Poems and Quotes